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關於wake on wan的評價, 黄敏明

大家 Benny锦煌因病离开我们了, 如果大家想出席他的追思会,资料在以下帖子里。 让我们一起祝福Benny锦煌在另一个世界里可以继续做自己喜欢的事㊗️ Sad and painful to...

減肥最難係咩.... 咪就係減肥囉.. 如果全日可以保持到食健康野咁就very 😌 good. 但係有時是會偷食屋企最後一快麵包. The hardest thing about being on a diet is… being on a diet. Some days you win, some days you fail and eat the remaining bread that your kids were supposed to eat for breakfast. 好彩有 pandamart 幫手. 廿四小時可以送屋企嘅需要去你屋企. 送來我屋企要30幾分鐘仲快過自己去買. 我又可以用啲時間學下wake surfing 點樣避免答得咁樣衰. 啲材料到咗之後就可以煮個靚早餐俾我啲小朋友食. 咁instead of 做一個偷食的罪人就可以做一個早餐的英雄 🤩。 No worries, I have pandamart to help me out, open 24/7, they have thousands of daily neccesities, and can deliver to your home as fast as 20 minutes… or 34 minutes for me, which is still faster than getting dressed, going to the supermarket, buying what I need and showering after I come home. I just let pandamart do the hard work for me and I can study how to wake surf better. Then look like a hero when I make breakfast instead of looking like a guilty bread thief! foodpanda 開咗11間 pandamart. 你地都可以check吓屋企附近有冇分店可以幫到你! foodpanda opened 11 pandamart in Hong Kong (Mong Kok, Central, North Point, Sham Shui Po, San Po Kong, Wan Chai, Aberdeen, Tsuen Wan, Kwun Tong, Tseung Kwan O, Hung Hom) #food #fooddelivery #takeout #takeoutfood #hongkong #hk #hkg #homekong #852 #foodpanda @foodpanda_hongkong

減肥最難係咩.... 咪就係減肥囉.. 如果全日可以保持到食健康野咁就very 😌 good. 但...

減肥最難係咩.... 咪就係減肥囉.. 如果全日可以保持到食健康野咁就very 😌 good. 但係有時是會偷食屋企最後一快麵包. The hardest thing about being on a diet is… being on a diet. Some days you win, some days you fail and eat the remaining bread that your kids were supposed to eat for breakfast. 好彩有 pandamart 幫手. 廿四小時可以送屋企嘅需要去你屋企. 送來我屋企要30幾分鐘仲快過自己去買. 我又可以用啲時間學下wake surfing 點樣避免答得咁樣衰. 啲材料到咗之後就可以煮個靚早餐俾我啲小朋友食. 咁instead of 做一個偷食的罪人就可以做一個早餐的英雄 🤩。 No worries, I have pandamart to help me out, open 24/7, they have thousands of daily neccesities, and can deliver to your home as fast as 20 minutes… or 34 minutes for me, which is still faster than getting dressed, going to the supermarket, buying what I need and showering after I come home. I just let pandamart do the hard work for me and I can study how to wake surf better. Then look like a hero when I make breakfast instead of looking like a guilty bread thief! foodpanda 開咗11間 pandamart. 你地都可以check吓屋企附近有冇分店可以幫到你! foodpanda opened 11 pandamart in Hong Kong (Mong Kok, Central, North Point, Sham Shui Po, San Po Kong, Wan Chai, Aberdeen, Tsuen Wan, Kwun Tong, Tseung Kwan O, Hung Hom) #breakfast #hk #homekong #hkg #852 #hongkongfood #food #yummy #takeaway #takeawayfood #morning #family #familymeal #kidsmeal #kids #foodpanda_hongkong @foodpanda_hongkong

減肥最難係咩.... 咪就係減肥囉.. 如果全日可以保持到食健康野咁就very 😌 good. 但...